Point to Ponder:
Do you allow challenges to pull you down or do you use them as launching pads ?
Our Austin Outdoor Adventure Series started yesterday. Besides the seasonal thunderstorms, springtime in Austin is the best and most beautiful season. However, yesterday was different. In the middle of the night an unseasonal cold front blew in causing temperatures to plummet 40 degrees (yep, it was a humid 82 degrees on Friday and even into Friday night). Wind gusts from the North blew up to 17 mph and the windchill was in the warm 30's--perfect conditions for an outdoor adventure, right?! Rather than cancel all together and let the crazy weather defeat us, we took the advice of Sheryl Sandberg and "kicked the crud out of Option B". Instead of Sculpt Flow overlooking Lady Bird Lake and kayaking, we bundled up and hiked the gorgeous River Place Nature Trail--making a delicious pitcher of lemonade from an unexpected bag of lemons, a.k.a the cold front.
Despite the cold temperatures, while hiking we were protected from the wind and were perfectly comfortable. The scenery was gorgeous and filled with cascading streams and chirping avians. Really, it was perfect and inspiring, as Mother Nature is. (If you've never hiked River Place Nature Trail or you are visiting Austin and need a good hike, this is one I highly recommend!)

As we hiked, iGnite member and friend, Leslie Pohl, pointed out a flower growing out of a rock (shown above) and the intrigue, mystery and miracle of how that happens. Throughout the day I thought about the flower growing out of a rock, and what came to mind is that Mother Nature is one of our best teachers.
The flower growing out of the rock is a reminder that the combination of perseverance, determination and passion always create something beautiful! As I continued to think more, I was reminded of similar wisdom that iGnite Leader Alli Phillips gave on Friday during her iGnite Spin + Zen class: "If you want to experience improvement and/or any kind of change, including a change in attitude, mental or physical state, it requires overload and getting outside of your comfort zone." Combining both Alli's advice as well as the flower growing out of a rock I felt as though there was a clear message I needed to be reminded of. Life is beautiful, but it isn't intended to be easy.
Just as the beautiful River Place Nature Trail, life is filled with all sizes of rocks. And like the flower that grew through rock, our opportunity is to persevere, stay determined and live passionately. Despite the rocks and discomfort in our lives, we can improve, grow and bloom through them.
So, how about your rocks? Got any and wish you didn't?: A challenging work situation, marital struggle, friendship dilemma, parenting challenge, health concern or family conflict? Of course you do, because we all have something. Rather than complain about it (as I love to do!) and wish it away (also like I love to do), how about we change our lens, look for our personal lesson in it and strive to see how we can grow, bloom and then launch.
Action Item:
Rather than complain about your rocks or wish them away, change your lens, look for personal lessons and strive to see how you can grow, bloom and then launch.
#igniteyourlife #ignite #NeissaBrownSpringmann #inspiration #encouragement #lifelessons #discomfortequalsgrowth #OptionB #SherylSandberg #Lemonadeoutoflemons #RiverPlaceNatureTrail #iGniteOutdoorAdventureSeries #Overcomingobstacles #personalgrowth #MichaelWyatt #MotherNatureBestTeacher #stretchyourcomfortzones