Point to Ponder: How often do you appreciate, acknowledge and celebrate your successes (big or small) as well as the successes of others?
In iGnite, we celebrate everything! In fact, we believe that every day is worthy of celebration, and celebration, appreciation/gratitude and acknowledging the big and small wins (like showing up to iGnite and crushing it) all contribute to living a fulfilling, joyful and healthy life.
In the book Life Force by Tony Robbins he focuses on living in a high-energy beautiful state. He says, "A beautiful/ high-energy state includes love, joy, happiness, appreciation, gratitude, playfulness, fun and drive. Whereas low-energy states include frustration, anger, sadness, loneliness, depression and fear." He makes the strong point that becoming the master of your mind, while not easy, is a choice and like a muscle, can be strengthened and achieved by practicing and participating in gratitude, appreciation, and fun. He also goes on to say, "the most important decision you can make is to decide that life is too short to suffer and that you are going to appreciate and enjoy this gift of life, no matter what happens. Decide to live in a beautiful state no matter what happens around you. It simply means to find the beauty, find something to be grateful for, something to appreciate"..and in iGnite, something to celebrate.
Some tips for creating your beautiful, high-energy life are:
Focus on what you have vs what is missing
Focus on what you can control vs what you can't control
Focus on the present vs the past or future
iGnite, iGnite, iGnite :-)
So, what can you expect in iGnite and what do we encourage you to do? Celebrate everything and everyone! Acknowledge the big and small wins. Focus on what you have. Focus on what you can control and focus on the blessings of today..and today only!
Action Item: Celebrate everything and everyone! Acknowledge the big and small wins. Focus on what you have. Focus on what you can control and focus on the blessings of today..and today only!