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Six Saturdays this Spring, April 7th - May 12th



Experience springtime in Austin with our "Summer Camp" themed Annual Adventure Series. 

Enjoy the beauty of Lady Bird Lake, the Barton Creek Greenbelt, Sculpture Falls, and other iconic Austin natural treasures while participating in unique workouts that feel more like adventure and fun than exercise. Join us and bring out your inner girl!

Adventure Series Finale: Mother's Day Weekend Lake Escape

Sat May 12th | 9:30am-1pm | Oyster Landing on Lake Austin


When was the last time you water skied, wake surfed, or just enjoyed boating with girlfriends, like a carefree college student? Kathleen Parker, iGnite's water skiing expert and skipper, along with first mate and cruise director, Sarah Hamilton, will ensure that your Mother's Day weekend starts with college-girl laughter, silliness, and, well, a lot of FUN (understatement!)... Absolute joy and an addiction to Lake Escape is more accurate. 


Registration Deadline: Thursday May 10th 5pm

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