Cardio Blast
If you are training for a race or simply looking to mix up and improve your cardiovascular endurance and speed, this class is for you! This never-the-same body weight workout is filled with a variation of hill repeats and sprint work for the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers and all-over strength and cardiovascular refinement.
Cardio Fusion
This high-energy and enthusiastic class fuses cardiovascular movements with resistance and core training through the use of kettle bells, ropes, sand bells, weights and various other strength-based equipment for an all-over cardiovascular, strength and core workout.
Cardio Strength
Improve your cardiovascular capacity while building and toning your muscles! Cardio Strength combines a variety of cardiovascular conditioning exercises with functional strength and resistance training (use of weights, resistance bands, medicine balls, etc). All fitness levels welcome.
Cardio Stength Flow
Enjoy this low impact class as we move through various strength training exercises and yoga-inspired stretches. With the use of lighter weights, bands and body weight, you’ll break a sweat and feel challenged while also easing into your week feeling refreshed!
CardiYo Flow
This fun, innovative, total-body workout fuses yoga with low-impact HIIT. Crafted by iGnite leader, iron-woman-yogi Alli Phillips, the class combines classic vinyasa flow sequences with short bouts of high energy and high intensity cardio exercise. Alli emphasizes a balance between “sthira and sukha,” effort and ease, which she says is critical to overall physical fitness and key to emotional and spiritual well-being.
Yo So Strong
This is the sister workout to CardiYo Flow, combining yoga with traditional strength training. Along with functional body weight exercises, a wide variety of strength training modalities are included: free-weights, medicine balls, and resistance bands to name a few. CardiYo Flow and Yo So Strong will make you Oh So Strong - in body, mind, and spirit!
City Circuit
Meeting at the statue in front of Barton Springs Pool, you will be lead through a Tabata style workout then enjoy a dip in Barton Springs Pool that will leave you feeling rejuvenated & refreshed for the rest of the day! You most definitely will enjoy the inspiring Austin scenery as the sun rises!
Core Strength: Abs/Back/Glutes
Core strength is critical for both stability and functionality in all dynamic compound movement. This class isolates and trains those muscles (belly, back, and hips) to better support the other “major muscles" in both athletic and everyday activities. Improvements in balance, posture, mobility, and flexibility, along with increases in muscle tone, are also benefits of this core-focused class.
Full Body HIIT
This workout is a one stop shop for your daily dose of sweat! Muscular strength and endurance exercises are combined with HIIT aerobic/anerobic segments. Think lifting weights mixed with body weight and cardio intervals, taking you to the edge of your fitness "comfort zone,” and then going beyond that edge (just a bit!). Exercise, safely just outside your comfort zone, is “where the magic happens” (development, growth, change). And all exercises in this workout are easily modifiable, making it appropriate for all levels.
Meeting at Mecca Gym in downtown Austin, by 6:05 each Monday we’ll head to Lady Bird Lake to begin an invigorating total body workout, including a variety of dynamic strength, cardio and core interval exercises along the lake. This class will utilize the lake, the bridges and the various points in between and will be inspiring, strengthening and empowering.
Metabolic Circuit Training
Led by reigning and undefeated Austin Fittest Competition winner, Kathleen Parker, this circuit class will improve your metabolism and aerobic capacity while building your stamina and lean muscle mass. Kathleen's workouts are innovative and fun, and she uses a variety of equipment to keep things interesting and effective - dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, medicine balls, resistance bands, battle ropes, balance bosu balls, and more! Give this class a try and your new Monday mantra will be...
Never miss a Metabolic Monday!
Power Up!
A fun and functional full-body workout that helps you break through plateaus, burn fat, and build strength and bone mass. This 45-minute class focuses on short bursts of high-intensity cardio and strength training for all fitness levels. With the use of free weights, sand bells, kettle bells and core equipment, this interval-style class challenges every muscle and provides a great opportunity for total body transformation. The goal is to develop more lean muscle, decrease fat and feel great!
Tabata Tone
If you're looking for quick endurance, strength and toning results, the Tabata protocol is an effective and proven way to get them. This 45-min high intensity interval training class will keep your heart pumping and tone every inch of your body, so get ready to sweat, be challenged, transform your body and have some serious fun!
Total Body Conditioning
Increase muscle strength through carrying out a high number of repetitions, while building up your cardiovascular endurance in the process. This class incorporates strength and cardio segments using equipment such as free weights, med balls, kettlebells, resistance bands and sandbells. Conditioning the total body through full range of motion movements involving multiple muscles is the best way to get the lean, agile and strong body that you desire, with the added bonus of cardiovascular endurance!