Growing up in Austin, I spent 8 yrs in competitive gymnastics, then began dancing at age 14. After high school I moved to California to pursue a professional dance career. Achieving some success, but still wanting to attend college, 3 yrs later I went back to school and obtained a B.A. in Business Administration from University of Southern California, I met my husband while working, and after spending 4 years with a successful start-up company, we were married then had 2 children. We loved CA but knew we wanted to raise our children in Austin, so we moved back to my roots and family in 2003. We then had a 3rd child and our kids are now 11 (Zoe), 16 (Shanley) & 18 (Nicholas).
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
My Background in Fitness & Wellness:
With my gymnastics, and dance background, fitness and health always been an integral part of my life. After taking a break from the professional world, I decided I wanted to share my passion for health and fitness with others. I’ve loved pilates for years, and decided to obtain my pilates certification through Peak Pilates. With this new training, I’ve come to value the benefits of pilates to our body so much more, whether it be to a beginner or a professional dancer. I believe in the mind, body, spirit connection which is why pilates resonates with me so well!
Favorite Quote:
Well, there are so many good ones! But the quote that has spoke to me for the last 25 years is from my father in law: “It’s not how hard you work, but the net result of your actions”. Work hard but also work smart!
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”. - Albert Einstein Don’t be afraid to try new things in life and don’t be afraid to fail. Failing often makes you stronger. Be brave, and dare greatly (one of my favorite books)!