iGnite IS our members! They make us what we are, which is why we LOVE spotlighting them! Meet San Diego Member, Sarah Sommers! Though Sarah is approaching her one year iGnite anniversary, we feel like we've known her for years! Sarah's love for 90's music, travel sailing and support and care for others are just a few reasons why we love her! Meet Sailor Sarah, who also happens to be a fabulous wife, mom and friend!

How long have you been an iGnite member?
It'll be a year in September!
Where do you live and how do you iGnite?
I live in San Diego and iGnite in person with Rory and Carissa.
How did you get into iGnite?
Rory is a neighbor and I saw her loading all of her equipment into her SUV one day and asked her what it was for. She invited me to try Ignite and I loved it!

If you were going to invite a friend along to iGnite, what would you say to encourage them to come?
Where else can you exercise outside in beautiful settings with fun teachers and supportive women?
What class do you most look forward to and why?
I like the Wednesday Cardio HIIT and Mat Sculpt class because it's a nice blend of exercises that I wouldn't do on my own. And also because the ab roller never comes out on Wednesdays.

Where did you grow up?
The first half of my childhood I was in Nashville, Tennessee and the second half I was in Port Huron, Michigan. So a cool big city and a not-so cool small lake town. I'm so grateful to have had both experiences. My parents now live in Richmond, Virginia and my brother lives in Austin, Texas.

Who's your biggest motivator and what do they do for you?
My husband, Bill, who after many years and much coaching has learned to ask, "Is this a time when I keep my mouth shut and just listen or is this a time when I give you suggestions?"
What's been your favorite job and do you still do it?
I have been a private practice psychotherapist for 15 years. I love listening to people's stories and supporting them through challenges.

What's saving you right now?
Every morning I go to a quiet place in my house and drink my coffee and do the daily Wordle before I talk to anyone. Travel saves me, too. And my dog, Graham.
What's your most favorite word?
What word fo you mutter while doing burpees?
I can't even mutter because I'm just trying to breathe!

Favorite exercise song?
Right now I am loving "Air Force Ones" by Nelly. One of the reasons iGnite is a good fit for me is because Rory and Carissa love 90s hip hop as much as I do. :)
What do you usually do after class?
Because it's summer, I usually come home and peel my kids off of their devices.

What's something about you that would surprise us?
My family has recently taken up sailing. With two teenagers, it has become challenging to find activities that the whole family will enjoy. The kids are even willing to get up early on the weekends to get on a boat, so it's nothing short of a miracle. Also, I can do the moonwalk.

Favorite local and not local social media accounts to follow?
I'm really lazy about social media. I'm only on Facebook and I don't really follow anyone. Sometimes I'll ask my daughter to follow someone on Instagram for me :)
What do you love most about iGnite?
I feel healthy and strong while working out with accepting, authentic women.