iGnite IS our members! They make us what we are, which is why we LOVE spotlighting them! Meet our newest San Diego Member, Michelle Coleman! Michelle has a personality plus plus plus. If you've known her for a day, then you feel as though you have a lifelong friendship. There's not a time you won't find her with a smile on her face, and when you read her spotlight, she's a total crack-up too. Finally, it so happens we dig and connect with her favorite word, which is also what she loves most about iGnite, too.

Where do you live and how do you iGnite?
I grew up and still live in San Diego and iGnite in person with Carissa and Rory.
How did you get into iGnite?
My son loves playing with Carissa’s (San Diego iGnite Leader), son so becoming part of iGnite was inevitable.
What's your favorite song to exercise to?
Anything with a beat and keeps me distracted from my burning muscles during a lunge session.
What class do you most look forward to and why?
All of them. They make me feel weak and strong at the same time all while connecting with an amazing group of women.

What do you mutter while doing burpees?
I usually can’t say anything to busy groaning!
What do you usually do right after class?
Zoom home to get my son ready for school with a few moans and groans going up and down the stairs…Carissa and Rory pack a punch in their workout regime, of course in the best possible way :)

Who's your biggest motivator or cheerleader?
My son! I am an older momma and want to be healthy and strong when the grandkids come along…20-30 years from now.
He is always tactfully honest with me which I appreciate…Last convo…"mom I wouldn’t say you’re fat…just a bit chubby in some places, but overall you look good!" ❤️

What's saving you right now?
Remembering to breath…especially during burpees ;)
What's been your favorite job and do you still do it?
Barista, connecting over coffee! Yes I do:)
What's your favorite word?
Favorite local and not local social media accounts to follow?
@Cargocafesd , oak and ivy, jgcolor, (local) and non local flavcity, halfbakedharvest , inagarten, kevinbacon

What's something we'd be surprised to learn about you?
As much as I embrace green and sustainability…I am a plant killer…even cactus can escape my blackest of black thumbs…in my defense it is not from neglect…but I think I am an over-waterer?
If you were to invite a friend along to iGnite, what would you say to encourage them to come?
It's worth the wore and achy muscles!
What do you love most about iGnite?
Connecting 🙌🏽