iGnite IS our members! They make us what we are, which is why we LOVE spotlighting them! Meet San Diego Member, Kendall Chinn! We have one word to describe Kendall and that is FUN! Regardless of what she's doing or where she is, this bright light brings fun and laughter into every situation she's part of. Whether an iGnite class, volunteering at school, or the 3-Day Susan G. Komen 60 mile breast cancer walk, this wife, mom of 2 and native San Diegoian finds a way to do it all while wearing a smile and providing laughter for all.

How long have you been an iGnite member?
I think on and off for the last 5 years!
Where do you live and how do you iGnite?
San Diego!! Born and raised!! I go to class 2-3 times a week.
How did you get into iGnite?
I was invited to wrap Christmas gifts for military families from a neighbor and all of the San Diego Ignite gals were there! I went to my first class the next week!

What word fo you mutter while doing burpees?
(seriously I do...)
What do you usually do after class?
Run errands at my favorite stores, Target, Homegoods, & Marshalls.
What class do you most look forward to and why?
Every class! Seeing everyone brightens my day immediately!

Who's your biggest motivator and what do they do for you?
My Kids! ME! I want to be healthy and fit and living my best life! I have done the Susan G. Komen 3 day breast cancer walk every year for 5 years straight! 60 miles is no joke!
What's been your favorite job and do you still do it?
So cliche, but being a stay at home mom!
Favorite exercise song?
Anything that gets my heart pumping - from Lizzo to Ace of Base!

What's saving you right now?
Summer time weather,
my current periwinkle nail color, planning my 40th in Austin (woot! woot!),
my beloved Stanley cup (IYKYK), a buttery chardonnay,
my iGnite tribe,
a good book,
and eating all the summer tomatoes. (I am so random and I know it!)
What's your most favorite word?
Yay! Yasss! Bahahahaha! Ooooof!

If you were going to invite a friend along to iGnite, what would you say to encourage them to come?
I'm always selling iGnite lol.
I tell them we are a great group of gals in all ranges of athletic ability and age and love to have FUN!
And you can't beat the music!
Favorite local and not local social media accounts to follow?
HalfBakedHarvest for (I LOVE TO COOK!) , Humansofny for amazing stories from real people, and my very own sister Heytaylorreeve --she is an amazing artist with quite the following.

What's something about you that would surprise us?
I used to work at Disney World in Orlando! I love costume parties and dress as Elsa every year for Halloween.
What do you love most about iGnite?
My mood instantly changes when I show up to class!
I have never regretted coming to class! :)