"Embracing and overcoming challenges gives you an incredible boost of self-esteem. It delivers a sense of achievement that feels like rocket fuel for your soul. Your sense of self and strength is elevated to a greater level – and that's something that can't be bought.”
- Rachel Newsham
Point To Ponder: Do you love the way you look and feel?
Did you know that research conducted by Strava, the social network for athletes, has discovered that January 12 is the fateful day of most New Year’s resolutions, and that only 8% of New Years resolutions are achieved? This could be for a variety of reasons, such as: January is a transitional month that proceeds a full holiday season (esp. for us, women!). It's unrealistic to think just because the calendar turns all distractions (which prevent us from consistently focusing on our health and fitness) will magically disappear. Optimism is awesome, but repeating the same habits or making the same choices yet expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Or, maybe it's because most people don't take the time to map out and explore the "why, what, how and who", such as:
Why is staying health and fit important to me?
What are my health and fitness goals?
What are my obstacles to achieving my health and fitness goals?
What do I need to do different (from last year)?/How do I overcome my obstacles?
How will I stay committed to my health and fitness goals?
Who do I need to help me stay committed?
One of the main reason I love February is because it's the "begin again month". The hype of the new year is past us and we've fully transitioned out of the holidays and into the new year. We have a better opportunity to dive into our health and fitness goals which allows us to look and feel our best! It's for this that we're launching our: 6-Week "I Love the Way I Look and Feel" Challenge.
So why 6-weeks? For many of us, Spring Break is in 6 weeks and regardless of where you are going, we want you looking and feeling your best for that fun week, and beyond! For others, your kids are just now going back to in-person school and you are finally getting the opportunity to do something healthy and consistent for yourselves...and there's not a better than looking and feeling your best. You deserve this!
Challenge Details + Call to Action
Challenge Goal: Take 30 iGnite classes in 6 weeks (video library classes are eligible but we reallly prefer to see you).
Challenge Date: Monday, Feb 1 - Sunday, March 14
Fill out Printable Tracking Sheet, Answer Questions & Set Goals: See Below
Track Your Classes
By Monday, March 15, email your tracking sheet to: hello@igniteyourlifenow.com
Prize: You'll love the way you look and feel + a surprise (trust it'll be something awesome that you can either spend, use or wear.)
CALL TO ACTION: Email us with "I'm IN!" **Committing to someone besides yourself is very important first step to having success. (hello@igniteyourlifenow.com)
Remember: **challenges are really good for us!** They help us stay motivated and achieve our goals. And, the feeling of accomplishment gives us the confidence boost that positively impacts all areas of our life--hence why we feel physically, mentally and spiritually better and great after exercise. For best results, we encourage taking a wide variety of classes. Because this is a challenge, we challenge you to challenge yourself physically and mentally by trying new classes and taking classes you typically do not.
Rest, Set, Challenge!
Love, Neissa
Action Item:
1. Join our Challenge! Email us at hello@igniteyourlifenowcom and let us know that you are "IN!"