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How to Have Fun and Why It’s Vital for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

picture of a New Kids on the Block concert

As I mentioned in last week’s video in our blog post titled "Managing Your Cortisol Levels: How to Take Control of the Stress Hormone"—, it was in May when I first started feeling the physical effects of stress on my body—sporadic heart racing, difficulty breathing, and a struggle to catch my breath. At first, I didn’t connect the dots, but eventually, it became clear that stress was the culprit. In hindsight, it was obvious. However, being an eternal optimist who almost always sees the glass half full and truly loves life, it didn’t initially occur to me that my entire being - mind, body, and spirit - was under strain.

quote about having fun

What I realized was that I was burnt out—completely fried and disconnected from my spirit. I found myself in robot mode (not my first robot rodeo), moving from one “must-do-now” task to the next, day after day. My core value of integrity, which drives me to work hard, follow through, and achieve my daily goals, was in overdrive. The result? I was completely out of balance, and my body was sending clear feedback.

Ultimately, my disconnection from my spirit and my mental exhaustion stemmed from a lot of things (as mentioned in the previous blog), but one was for sure: not having enough pure, simple fun—just for ME. Do I have fun with my family? Of course! Do I have fun with my work at iGnite? 100%! But I had taken away any space for my own personal joy—fun that exists purely because it’s fun for ME and brings ME happiness. That's why, this summer, I went ALL IN on the dirty, glorious, spiritual, joyful practice of gardening--every single day.

green image with quote about having fun

Gardening reconnects me to God and nature, grounds my spirit, and fills my soul with peace and fulfillment. Every day feels like a miracle! While sometimes things die, most of the time, they exceed my expectations. To plant ONE seed and witness something extraordinarily beautiful, full of life—and even sometimes feeding me and my family (like my okra and tomatoes), butterflies and bees—is, to me, nothing short of a miracle!

In addition to daily gardening, I indulged in two concerts with my old soul/music-loving fun buddy, Malaine (my 11 year old daughter), where we lived it up at a New Kids on the Block (my preteen and teen boy-band crushes who she happens to also like) and Morgan Wallen concert. I also frequented our local farmer's market to buy peaches and baked homemade peach cobbler often. Aside from the concerts, my daily fun was super simple soul food.

Fun Is Different and Necessary For Everyone

While fun is essential, it can be tricky, as it evolves throughout our various life seasons and needs. I for one can say in full confidence that five years ago, baking a peach cobbler and gardening would not have been my idea of soul-replenishing fun.

green image with a quote about fun

Fun is also subjective, meaning it looks different for everyone. While fun is a driving core value force for me, it’s not the same for my husband, Russell, which made the tough times in our marriage even tougher. However, we worked through them, and I’ve learned that while fun is personal, it’s also necessary for our individual and relational overall health and well-being. Additionally, because life and adulting is hard (often kicking our butts and--causing our playful spirit to deteriorate), remembering what fun is, can be difficult and even daunting.

bright pink image with a joyful quote about fun on it

Reclaim Fun In Your Life Again with FUN-terventions

"FUN" is also one of iGnite's core values and last year, iGnite member Kris Phelps sent me a podcast from The Happiness Lab by Dr. Laura Santos, where she created a "FUN-tervention" to reclaim fun in her life. As I mentioned above, life can sometimes kick our butts, and we can forget how to have fun. That’s why FUN-terventions are so helpful. Here are three podcast highlights:

green image with facts about fun

The Five Ingredients of Fun and How to Have Fun

Per Dr. Santos, fun cannot be forced, it shouldn’t feel like work and FUN needs to include one of the five ingredients: Playfulness, Connection, Creating, Adventure, and Helping. If you’re stuck and not sure how or where to start having fun, or just need to mix up your fun, print out our 54 FUN-terventions ideas HERE. Then, start by finding simple “delights” that bring joy and gratitude, like a flower or a cup of coffee. This will help spark more fun in your life.

bright yellow images with 5 ingredients of fun

10 Benefits of Fun

Having fun is important for a variety of reasons, both for your mental, spiritual and physical well-being. Here’s why it plays such a crucial role in our lives:

beautiful orange zinnia

1.Reduces Stress and Lowers Cortisol Levels

Fun activities trigger the release of endorphins, which are chemicals

in the brain that promote happiness and relieve pain. They also reduce the levels of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. By engaging in fun activities, you’re actively lowering your stress levels, making it easier to cope with daily challenges.

bright pink and yellow zinnia

2. Boosts Creativity

Fun often involves new experiences, spontaneity, and playfulness, all of which encourage creative thinking. When you're having fun, you're more open to innovative ideas and problem-solving. This creativity can spill over into other areas of your life, including work and personal projects.

pink/purple--ish stargazer lily

3.Improves Mental Health

Laughter, play, and joy are natural mood boosters. Fun activities can reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and even loneliness. Regularly engaging in fun helps maintain mental health by improving your overall mood and sense of well-being.

big, bright and beautiful yellow orange sunflower

4.Enhances Social Connections

Fun often involves interacting with others, whether it’s through games, shared hobbies, or simply spending time together. Having fun with friends, family, or coworkers strengthens bonds, improves communication, and enhances relationships. It helps build trust and creates shared memories, contributing to stronger social networks.

bright red gladiola

5.Increases Energy and Productivity

When you take time to have fun, you’re giving your brain a chance to rest and recharge. This break from routine can lead to increased energy and focus when you return to work or other responsibilities. Fun doesn’t just refresh your mind, but it also boosts productivity by preventing burnout.

pink zinnia with a Monarch Butterfly on it

6.Improves Physical Health

Many fun activities involve physical movement, whether it’s dancing, hiking, playing sports, or even just walking around a park. These activities keep your body active, improving cardiovascular health, flexibility, and stamina. Physical play can be an enjoyable way to exercise without it feeling like a chore.

beautiful fuscia flower

7.Enhances Emotional Resilience

Having fun regularly helps you build emotional resilience. It teaches you how to enjoy the moment, bounce back from challenges, and maintain a positive outlook, even during tough times. Fun gives you an emotional “reset” that can make it easier to cope with life’s difficulties.

sweet pink and yellow zinnia

8. Encourages Personal Growth

By engaging in fun activities that challenge you or push you out of your comfort zone, you build self-confidence and learn new skills. Whether you’re picking up a new hobby or trying a new activity, fun experiences contribute to your personal development and a sense of accomplishment.

picture of Neissa and he daughter at a concert

9. Strengthens Relationships

Having fun together fosters closeness and shared joy, which is critical for both romantic and platonic relationships. Laughter and playfulness release oxytocin, also known as the "bonding hormone," which helps to create a deeper connection between individuals.

yellow hibiscus flower

10. Contributes to Overall Happiness

Fun gives you a reason to smile, laugh, and feel positive. Regularly engaging in fun activities helps balance the more serious and stressful aspects of life, promoting an overall sense of happiness and satisfaction. It reminds you to live in the moment and find joy in the little things.

All in all, fun is essential not just for personal enjoyment, but for maintaining a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life.

women working out together and having fun and an invitation to sign up for a two week trial

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green image that says "FUN FAQ"
green image with fun frequently asked questions


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