
I say I am from Seattle, as that is where I spent the longest amount of time growing up. My father was in the military, and my mother liked to travel, so we moved around a lot. My parents divorced while I was young, and I spent the first 5 years of my life living in Germany, Thailand, Hong Kong and the States. I attended Washington State University and pledged Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. I graduated from WSU in 1992 and I moved from Seattle to Austin, sight unseen, with two of my sorority sisters in 1995. I said I would give Austin a year...it's been 23 years now. :)
Family Life
I met my husband, Sean, when he moved to Austin from New York City and became my next door neighbor in 1996. We have been married 18 years now and have three AWESOME -most of the time- kids! Max is 16 and attends Westlake High School. My son Ben is 13 and attends West Ridge Middle School. And then "WE GOT THE GIRL!" as my husband always says. Olivia is 12, also at West Ridge Middle School.
Work Life
Currently, I have the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom. Sometimes I feel like I am a full time uber driver (but without pay) for my kids and their teammates. Three years ago I started writing and am almost with my memoir based on my true story of survival, loss and love. In 1991, I fell overboard an Italian ferry and plummeted 40 feet into the Adriatic Sea. I survived over 18 hours before miraculously being rescued. I also share my story and serve as an inspirational speaker at churches, schools, women’s groups and conferences.

I am most inspired by...
The ocean inspires me. There is a quote that I love by Isak Dinesen, and our own iGniter Olivia Osborne, found for me in a magazine at the 2017 iGnite San Diego Retreat. Dinesen says "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea." Thanks to iGnite, we get to sweat. Sometimes we just need a good cry. And the sea, although it has almost taken my life twice, is my happy place.
What was your favorite part of last year's
San Diego Getaway and what are you most
looking forward to in this upcoming Getaway?
I can’t wait for the San Diego Getaway 2019!!! I love, love the leaders who organized the 2017 retreat, the people that attended and the friendships that were developed over the weekend. It was truly a renewal weekend of mind, spirit and body. Plus, it's the ocean! The house we stay in is absolutely gorgeous
overlooking the ocean! I can’t wait to nestle in one of the comfy outdoor couches, overlooking the water at sunset, with my glass of wine and the awesome women that will be at the retreat! I would also like to mention our fellow iGniter and my awesome cousin, Nikki McCormick, who attended and will also be going in January, and the fun and laughter she brings. You know, the belly laugh that makes your cheeks hurt, kind of laugh! So I am looking forward to all these great things I know will be in store for us, as well as, the new friendships and activities in San Diego 2019!

I am most looking forward to...
My book getting published! I am in the process of finishing the book proposal in search of an agent and publisher. The day I get to invite my friends and fellow iGniters to a book release party, will be a monumental day for me.
Something people may not know about me is....
I spoke German and Cantonese as a child. Unfortunately it is not the case any more, but I can pick u other languages fairly quickly because of that.