Point to Ponder:
Who can benefit from a honkin’? You or someone you know??
If you’re like me, starting a project is much easier than finishing. According to Russell, my husband, I’m an 85%’er, meaning I complete about 85% of whatever I’m doing and then move on to something new. I do not at all consider myself to have an attention issue, rather I enjoy the challenge, excitement and joy that comes from starting. Maybe it’s hereditary, because my father is the exact same, but none-the-less, in order for me to finish the final 15% I need a a gentle nudge, or in the goose world, I need a positive honk.
Like every animal (including us humans), geese are equipped with everything they need in order to get where they need to go. Unlike humans, however, geese seem to always recognize that their most valuable asset to accomplishing their goal and completing their journey is their flock and how they honk: Check out this fascinating information from Lens Wilson:
1. When geese fly together, each goose provides additional lift and reduces air resistance for the goose flying behind it. Consequently, by flying together in a v-formation, scientists estimate that the whole flock can fly about 70% farther with the same amount of energy than if each goose flew alone. Geese have discovered that they can reach their destination more quickly and with less energy expended when they fly together in formation.
2. When a goose drops out of the v-formation it quickly discovers that it requires a great deal more effort and energy to fly. Consequently, that goose will quickly return to the formation to take advantage of the lifting power that comes from flying together.
3. Geese rotate leadership. When the goose flying in the front of the formation has to expend the most energy because it is the first to break up the flow of air that provides the additional lift for all of the geese who follow behind the leader. Consequently, when the lead goose gets tired, it drops out of the front position and moves to the rear of the formation, where the resistance is lightest, and another goose moves to the leadership position. This rotation of position happens many times in the course of the long journey to warmer climates.
4. Geese honk at each other. They also frequently make loud honking sounds as they fly together. Scientists speculate that this honking is their way of communicating with each other during their long flight.
5. Geese help each other. Scientists also discovered that when one goose becomes ill, is shot or injured, and drops out of the formation, two other geese will fall out of formation and remain with the weakened goose. They will stay with and protect the injured goose from predators until it is able to fly again or dies.
Like a flock of geese, we too are on a life journey. For most of us reading, we are all on a health and fitness journey. If you are struggling getting to class, reach out to someone in your flock and ask them to lead…pick you up, send you an encouraging text, walk with to class, etc. Or, if you are feeling strong, motivated and energetic, be sure to honk and encourage your flock. There will be a day when roles are reversed and you need to draft while being pulled along by her leadership and energy. Furthermore, we are at the start of our fall journey and ahead of us will be resistance, such as allergies, holidays, travel, flu season,—plenty of distraction to throw us off course, however, the one thing that will keep us focused on our destination is our flock, or for iGnite, it’s our bevy of butterflies. So let’s make sure to stay in our v-formation, rotate when necessary and always be ready and willing to HONK!
Action Item:
Let someone know if you need to draft? Conversely, if you are feeling motivated and strong, then honk!
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