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7 Ways to Consistently Boost Your Confidence

Point to Ponder:

Do you consider yourself self-confident?

To suggest that life experiences can shape and mold our attitude is true. Conscious and unconscious, our thoughts, behaviors and actions are a result of our upbringing and current social environments. Humans are easily influenced, and as children we had little control over the people we spent time with and who shaped our thinking, both positively and negatively. Now, as adults, we have all of the control and are either choosing to put ourselves in nurturing and healthy environments, or not. Either way, according to The Confidence Code, our environment and the power of habitual thinking have proven to play key roles in our confidence.

According to The Confidence Code, research proves we are genetically born with more or less confidence. But the good news is that our confidence is malleable, and even as adults it can be altered despite our genetic wiring, our past and our memories. The best news is that we do not have to be products of our pasts, and negative experiences or events do not have to define us or limit our level of confidence.

For adults, confidence really is a choice and like anything, finding it does not happen overnight. If we want it, we must practice using it everyday, and fortunately, there are scientifically proven confidence-building exercises that can create new confidence pathways in our brain. They are:

1. Meditation: A calm brain is the ultimate confidence tool. MRI results show that the fear center of the brain (the amygdala) actually shrinks when meditation is routinely practiced. Meditation increases your ability to control your emotions and to be clear and calm. (Remember, meditation looks different for everyone. It can be prayer, quiet time alone, a walk/run around the neighborhood or lake, etc.)

2. Gratitude: New research shows that gratitude is one of the keys to happiness and an optimistic mindset. Believe and be grateful for the kind words said about you. Simply saying “thank you” will transform your mood and make the compliment-giver feel good.

3. Think Small: Rather than focus on daunting challenges/daily tasks, break them down into tiny goals. Accomplishing them will give you a confidence boost.

4. Sleep: A lack of sleep and exercise produces an extremely anxious brain, and anxious brains are less confident.

5. Exercise: Like a lack of sleep and lack of exercise produces an extremely anxious brain, and anxious brains are less confident. Exercise gives you the feeling of accomplishment and leaves us feeling strong and energetic--all confidence boosting

6. Sharing: Being close and sharing with friends boosts our oxytocin levels, which also increases confidence.

7. Practice Power Positions: Abs in, chin up! Sitting up strait will give you a short-term confidence boost.

After finishing reading The Confidence Code, I am convinced that our confidence is part of our overall health and wellness. Why? Because our daily habits such as what we eat, our exercise, the people we surround ourselves with, and the positive or negative information we choose to listen to and/or read all affect our happiness and confidence, ultimately influencing how we treat others and live our life.

Curious about your confidence? Take the confidence quiz and learn just how confident you are.


Action Item:

Practice at least one of the seven confidence-boosting exercises:

1. Meditate

2. Be grateful

3. Think small

4. Sleep

5. Exercise

6. share

7. Practice power positions


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