Point to ponder:
Which lesson can you apply to enhance and maximize your personal and/or professional life?
I have always been inspired and in awe by our military--those who served, those who lost their life serving and those who currently serve. I cannot comprehend their voluntary and heroic sacrifice, but I am so thankful for it! From teamwork, discipline, family, commitment, hard work and leadership, I am always looking for opportunities to learn from our military.
As we observe Memorial Day and honor the fallen who courageously gave their lives while serving in our armed forces, I found an excellent article in Entrepreneur.com featuring 10 of America's greatest military leaders. In reading the lessons, I realized that regardless of the roles we play or the hats we wear, we can apply those lessons to enhance and maximize our personal and professional lives. For those of you who are not part of an organizational team, team is interchangeable with family so replace 'team' with 'family' and enjoy the outcome.
George Washington, 1732-1799, General in Continental Army
Lesson - Trust your core team
Winfield Scott, 1786-1866, General in Chief U.S. Army
Lesson - Never compromise
Robert E. Lee, 1807-1870, General in U.S. Army
Lesson - Respect your team
Ulysses S. Grant, 1822-1885, General in U.S. Army
Lesson- Don't give up

George S. Patton, 1885-1945, General U.S. Army
Lesson- Help your team achieve greatness
Lewis B. 'Chesty' Puller, 1898-1971, Lieutenant General U.S. Marine Corps
Lesson- Stay positive
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1890-1969, General U.S. Army
Lesson- Create a cooperative culture
Dudley 'Mush' Morton, 1907-1943, Lieutenant Commander U.S. Navy
Lesson-Keep everyone motivated
Eugene B. Fluckey, 1913-2007, Rear Admiral U.S. Navy
Lesson- Recognize hard work
H. Norman Schwarzkoph, 1934-present, General U.S. Army
Lesson- Get in the trenches
Action Item:
Choose at least one military lesson and apply it your personal, professional life, or both.