with guided Vision Board creation
bold & Best LIfe
Body, Mind & spirit reboot
Reboot Launch
Thursday, January 27
12-1pm CST
"Our body is the most elaborate, awe-inspiring machine ever created. In body, mind and spirit, we are created for greatness! The ability to enjoy a full, high-quality and bold life is a direct result of our holistic health. When we consistently prioritize and nurture our holistic health, we are bold... and the greatest and most important life-giving fruit is produced."
-Neissa B. Springmann
7 Weekly Gatherings
Thurs. Jan 27 Launch
Thurs. Feb 2
Thurs. Feb 10
Thurs. Feb 17
Thurs. Feb 24
Thurs. Mar 3
Thurs. March 10 Finale/Vision Board Share
12-1:00p.m. CST
*Please note: 3/10 is
12-1:30 p.m.
Anywhere (Virtual Event)
*if missed, sessions will be recorded and available in Video Library
$150 iGnite Members
$175 Non-Member
Meet Your Guide
Founder, Neissa Springmann

A time to clear out, rebuild and recreate your awesome body, mind, spirit and year!
Do You Feel:
1. Unmotivated, unhealthy and unclear of “your path"?
2. Distracted, stuck and not feeling and living your best?
3. Excited about the new year but unsure how to start and create the sustainable change you need and want?
Neissa's Reboot Experience:
In Fall of 2021, I was feeling everything listed above, (and some) which motivated me to create our Body, Mind and Spirit Reboot. I was in dire need of a physical, mental and spiritual cleansing and felt if I needed it, other women did to. The result: in body, mind and spirit I've never felt better. The Reboot provided me with the time to pause, identify and release all of the garbage that had clogged my mind and spirit and was living in my body. The Reboot community inspired me and provided me with the accountability I needed and wanted to make the necessary change. For the first time in years, I feel calm, clear, balanced and am no longer spinning and distracted. In fact, my holiday (for my whole family), was the best it's ever been...because I was present, not stressed and internally calm.
Below are words used to to describe the Body, Mind and Spirit Reboot experience from fellow Rebooters:
Enlightening, Spirit-Building, Empowering
Soul-nourishing, Insightful, Introspective
Safe, Guided, Inspiring, Authentic & Loving
7-WEEK "BOLD AND BEST LIFE" BODY, MIND & SPIRIT REBOOT (with guided Vision Board creation )
Why Reboot?
A reboot is the act of shutting down and restarting, as a result of errors in the software system. As humans, we have errors in our software system, but through the intentional reboot and clearing-out process, our system errors can be fixed! It’s simply a matter of giving time and attention to replace the faulty software with new, healthy and sustainable software.
The Process
1. Week-by-week Neissa will guide you through the process of releasing and clearing out habits, behaviors, actions, thoughts, foods, relationships and things in your life that are not in alignment with your values and cause avoidable stress, anxiety, confusion and chaos in our body, mind and spirit.
2. Week-by-week you'll replace the non-serving, counterproductive and stress-forming habits, behaviors, actions, thoughts, foods, relationships and things that are not productive and in alignment with a healthy body, mind and spirit and do not produce life-giving fruit.
3. Week-by-week, Neissa will take you through the intentional process of determining your ideal holistic health/ best-life scene. Each week there will be a vision board "assignment/to-do" so by the end of 7-weeks you have created a vision board that is in alignment with your ideal holistic health and bold and best-life scene.